We understand stories abound and there are few spaces where these stories can be shared. It is for this reason, we are opening up the blog to receive featured stories, essays, poems and writings that meet our publishing  requirements.

You can now have your writings published on the blog. Submissions are open to fiction and nonfiction pieces.

In order to have your work featured, send a mail to with your work and writer's profile.

POETRY: Poems of no more than 30 lines will be accepted and should be pasted in the body of the email.

PROSE: We are accepting short stories of no more than 2,500 words with detailed imagery and realism.

ESSAYS: Opinion essays are welcome and should be no longer than 1500 words.

BOOK REVIEWS: We welcome honest reviews of fiction and nonfiction books on the blog. Reviews should be no more than a 1000words.

WRITER'S PROFILE: This is also known as an Author Bio and should not be longer than 100 words. Contributors should send in a simple headshot alongside their writer's profile.

For more details concerning featuring your works, kindly send an email to or reach us via our social media handles.


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