Writers Focus Interview: Asadu Emmanuel

Asadu Emmanuel an alumnus of Moncoeur Global Concept recently won the maiden edition of the Poets in Nigeria "Glass Door Poetry Contest." In this interview with Francisca Okwulehie, he speaks about writing and what winning the Poetry Contest means to him.

FO: Tell us about yourself.( Name, Schools attended, Family etc)
AE: My name is Asadu Emmanuel. I'm from the South Eastern part of Nigeria. Enugu state to be precise, but I've basically lived all my life in Lagos with parents and sisters. I attended Christ the king primary and secondary school, with a brief stint at Effortswill secondary school. I am presently pursuing a degree in Economics at the University of Nigeria.

FO: How did you get into Writing?
AE: Well, I've always loved stories, especially movies, but I never really bothered much about them till I decided to work on a story of my own which led to my first publication. I was 14 or 15 around the time. I dropped everything concerning writing after the story got published, but restarted the journey through the Moncoeur Global Concept Writer's Workshop; Christmas In A Pen" in 2017.

FO: You won the Maiden Edition of Poets in Nigeria, "Glass Door Poetry Contest" what did it feel like?
AE: It felt great, really. Somewhat like I had gotten a sign to keep going, to keep writing.

FO: Who are your favourite Authors?
AE: I really don't read fiction or anything like that, so I don't have any favorite authors.

FO: Do you have published work(s)/ articles? ( Where can they be found?)
AE: Well, I did publish a story a couple years ago, though I'm very shy when it comes to that. You'd be able to get it on Amazon; the name's wings. Then I did get published in an anthology by the Poets in Nigeria Initiative.

FO: What is the most fascinating thing you have been able to do with your Writing?
AE: Nothing really grand or noteworthy, but writing is something I utilize to cleanse my thoughts and sometimes help other people understand their thoughts and emotions better.

FO: Do you have writing Mentors?
AE: Well, I did. That was during the Writing Workshop organized by Moncoeur Global Concept. It was an experience I can't forget, seeing as Francisca Okwulehie and the tutors introduced me to poetry that has saved me a couple of times.

FO: Is there anything you think the Writing Industry can do to get better?
AE: Freedom from pointless policing and censoring.

FO: What is your fashion sense, on a scale of 1-10 ?
AE: Around 4

FO: Do you have a specific time for writing?
AE: No, I don't.

FO: What sort/ genre of books do you read?
AE: Academic pieces. I rarely read fiction.

FO: If you were to go on a date with an Author or Writer, who would that be and why?
AE: Well, it's nobody known. Just a friend of mine whose passion for poetry I really respect.

FO: Do you think Writers should depend on the profits of their writing alone?( What's your opinion on Writer's having a side hustle?) 
AE: Writers have to be realistic. Getting major profits from writing alone is not a common thing.

FO: If you were to go on a vacation, what will be the five things you take along as a Writer?
AE: A working WiFi router, food, a laptop, my phone, and a journal.

FO: Drop your social media handles so your readers can get in touch with you.
AE: Facebook: Asadu Emmanuel.

Thanks for your time and attention.


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