3 Reasons Writers should Eat Avocados.
Avocados are a delicious fruit as they grace our vegetable salads with pomp and leave our mouth watering with an unexplainable melting effect on our tongues.
Avocados should be an important part of every Writers meal or leisure consumption. Here are three major reasons we prescribe this fruit for writers.
1. Avocados regulate heartbeat and help the nerves and muscles to function better. This is good because as Writers, we spend a lot of time sitting crouched up in a bent position while writing and this reading and this tends to affect the way blood flows through our veins.
2. If there's no particular reason to eat avocados, then as writers we should eat avocados more often because we spend a lot of time on our phones and computers, reading and typing away. The ultraviolet rays are not good for our eyes, but eating avocados will help slow down whatever effect those rays may cause our vision.
3. Avocados are excellent at lowering cholesterol levels. Writers tend to consume a lot of fast and fatty foods. Avocados are a rescue from fat foods that can spike our cholesterol levels which cause us the risk of high blood pressure. Eating avocados will save us the stress of unstable blood pressure and the associated risks that come with consuming fatty foods which even cause people to snore alot at night.
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