Awodiya Funke on Writers Focus.

Meet Awodiya Funke also known as the "The Farmers Daughter", in this feel good interview on Writers Focus, she lets us into her journey as a Writer and Author.
 ( Interview by Francisca Ogechi Okwulehie)

FOO: Tell us about yourself, let's meet you.
AF: My name is Awodiya Esther Olufunke known as Funke to my reading audience. Born to the Family of M.O Awodiya in a suburb of Lagos called Ijaye Ojokoro in the early Eighties, I was raised alongside my brothers been the only girl among my siblings. I attended Agbado Ijaye Primary School, Success Model School and Ijaye Ojokoro High School. I studied Sociology at the University Of Ado Ekiti now Ekiti State University and proceeded to the University Of Ibadan for a masters programe in Sociology.

FOO: How did you get into Writing?
AF: I got into writing in my preteen days. I wrote my first poem when my father died. No doubt my father’s death was my first muse.

FOO: Who are your favourite authors?
AF: My favorite authors are John Grisham, Nora Roberts, Niyi Osundare, Chuma Nwokolo, Samson Kukugho Iruesiri and Helon Habila.

FOO: Do you have any published works and where can they be found?
AF: My first published collection of Poems The Farmer’s Daughter ( poems on the borderline) can be found on Amazon. I have published poems on blogs like praximag and other journals. One of them is my poem Ode to my mother’s friend recently published in ‘ Best’ African Poets Anthology.

FOO: What is writing to you?
AF: Writing is therapeutic, that makes writing fascinating for me.

FOO: Do you have Writing Mentors?
AF: My mentors are the late Maya Angelou and Eriata Oribabor.

FOO: What do you think can be done to improve the Writing industry in Nigeria?
AF: The writing industry in Nigeria should support writers by fighting piracy. Also, writing bodies should create enabling environment to support budding writers.

FOO: On a scale of 1-10 what's your Fashion sense?
AF: Fashion sense, I think I’m on the average, 5 on a scale of 10.

FOO:Do you have a specific time for writing?
AF: I don’t have specific time  for writing but I prefer to write in the morning and at nights.

FOO: Is there a particular genre you are attuned to?
AF: I read all genres ranging from poetry to drama, prose ; nonfiction and fictions
But in recent times I found short stories appealing to my creative mind.

FOO: If you were to go on a date with a fellow Writer or Author, who would that be?
AF: I would love to be on a date with the Nigerian Author Helon Habila

FOO: Do you think Writers should have a side hustle?
AF: For writers living in Nigeria I don’t think writing alone can pay the bills, so it is reasonable for writers to have a side hustle, something to fuel the passion of their creative minds.

FOO: If you were to go on a vacation what would be the things you take along?
AF: Going on a vacation as a writer I will not forget to fill my bag with good reads. Books are good companions, then my writing materials; note pads and pens alongside with my Laptop and a camera.

FOO: Your readers would love to connect with you, please drop your social media handles.
AF: Social media handles : Awodiya Funke ( Facebook) Awodiya Funke (Instagram) and a dormant account on twitter ( Awodiya Funke).

FOO: It was great having you on Writers Focus.
AF: My pleasure.


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