How to create a writing prompt?
Mr. A is a Writer. He has been bothered for the past two weeks with the thought of a good writing prompt to build his story on for a writing prize. He attributes his inability to write a powerful story to the current illness of Writer's block.
He is so overwhelmed with the worry of a writing prompt, that he forgets his present predicament is an ideal story prompt to work on and put in for the competition.
The above situation is what many writers battle with in their literary journey. Some Writers like Mr.A are usually carried away with the challenges they encounter that they forget that every joyful and unfavourable occasion is a reasonable writing prompt.
Writing prompts are usually helpful in building an intended story. As one lined or short sentenced as they maybe, they usually hold alot of depth when pieced apart through creative thinking.
It is imperative that as a writer, you develop the habit of rigorous thinking. For when you are a creative writer it is expected that you not only become a rigorous thinker, but also a Creative Critical thinker.
This means that you are subjecting all your thoughts and musings to not only serious analysis but creative analysis.
Here are five simple ways to create a writing prompt.
1. Take a good look at your environment and find something that piques your interest.
2. Stare at that thing or object long enough, say ten to fifteen minutes in utter silence.
3. Tell your mind to capture everything about that object of focus. It might be the shape, the pattern, colour or other objects around it.
4. Leave that environment, but carry the image and memory of that object and that encounter with you. Go on a walk, have a bath, sleep or do the dishes/laundry or engage in some other activity.
5. Afterwards, take a pen and a jotter or perhaps a laptop and try relieving the experience of the object you encountered earlier in the day.
We must not forget that, every situation is a story waiting to be told, a possible writing prompt waiting to be written.
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