2018 Christmas in a Pen Anthology

Moncoeur Global Concept presents the second edition of the Christmas in a Pen Anthology.

We are accepting Christmas themed stories and poems from Teenagers for our Christmas Anthology.

The Categories open for submission are:
Poetry: Two poems per entry
Prose: One story entry( Not more than 1500 words)
Short stories with word length of 150-300 words.

Submissions should be sent alongside a picture and a brief bio of the teenage Writer to moncoeurglobalconcept@gmail.com
With the subject of the mail as  'Christmas in a Pen Anthology'

The deadline for the acceptance of entries closes on the 15th of December 2018.

The "Christmas in a Pen" Anthology would be available for free download on the 25th of December 2018.

The Anthology will also feature activities and stories from our "Christmas in a Pen" Creative Writing Workshop.
For more information kindly contact Victoria: 07066659071, Francisca: 07067780881
Or send a mail to; moncoeurglobalconcept@gmail.com


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