Moncoeur Global Concept is elated to announce a call for submissions and contribution to the 2021 Christmas In A Pen Anthology.

Submission Details: Stories can be 1000 words to 2500 words. Poems no more than 40 lines. 
The anthology will be published in ebook and available for free download on Okadabooks and Amazon on the 25th December 2021. Authors will receive the e-book copy of the anthology. Previously unpublished submissions strongly preferred. Multiple submissions are fine, but simultaneous submissions are discouraged.

We hope to have responded to everyone within the first week of the submission window’s closing. 
Age Limit: None. However, stories and poems must hold creative depth and imagination. 

Theme: 'A Happy Christmas' Submission Specifications: Stories must be double spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font. Do not submit in Courier. The first page should hold the following information: 1. Story / Poem Title 2. Author's name 3. Word count 4. Contact information (Email address)

Please note your last name, story title and page number should appear in the header information of all other pages. 

Submissions may be sent to the email address:

Stories via email should be sent as an attachment in Word format. 

The subject of your email should be SUBMISSION: The email body should contain a short author biography of no more than 100words. The submission period begins November 8, 2021 and ends Dec 10, 2021 by 12 noon.

Theme guidelines Stories and poems must address the theme; 'A Joyful Christmas' with vivid imagery and simplicity. We want relatable stories with a promise of joy this Christmas.


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