Francisca Okwulehie Speaks About Her Upcoming Book; "The Capitalism of Unsatisfied Bodies."

Our Founder, Francisca Ogechi Okwulehie will today be speaking at a Zoom Meeting on her next book; "The Capitalism of Unsatisfied Bodies."

This presentation will be hosted by the Tiebe Cultural Centre; an educational cum vocational institute focused on empowering women and girls.

Francisca Okwulehie's book x-rays feminist issues that bother on the female physiological appearance and emotional state of mind.

The book, "The Capitalism of Unsatisfied Bodies" explores topics that affect the feminine person, from hair, to weight, skin colour and self worth. It is safe to describe the book as a Confident Girl's Manifesto.

The book will be out second week of September.

The crux of the book lies in this excerpt below.

"The Capitalism of Unsatisfied Bodies is the profit made from every dissatisfaction, discontentment, occasioned by the comparison of one’s self to another. This means that for every insatiability you have about your body because you wish you had the body of another, another person is bound to profit from this insecurity, necessitated by comparison."

-The Capitalism of Unsatisfied Bodies.

© 2020 Francisca Ogechi Okwulehie

Find below the details to join the Zoom meeting.

Tiebe Cultural Centre is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: The Capitalism of Unsatisfied Bodies

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 745 587 4350
Passcode: capitalism


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