Writers Focus: Mary Olalere

In this light hearted interview, we meet Mary Olalere, a new author and Writer as she shares her writing journey with us.

MGC: Tell us about yourself.( Name, Schools attended, Family etc)
MOO: My name is Mary Opemipo, OLALERE; the second born in a family of five. I am a twenty-seven year old graduate of Food Science from the University of Ilorin. Well, before my tertiary education, I had my elementary education at Victory Nursery and Primary School, Eruwa and I attended Baptist Model High School, Eruwa and Federal Government Girls' College, Ipetumodu for my junior and senior secondary education, respectively.

MGC: How did you get into Writing?
MOO: I can't say exactly how I got into writing but I can say with all confidence that I was born into writing. My father is a great writer himself and my mother is a seasoned English teacher too. With these two major blessings, I would say that for me, the art of writing is simply a natural talent.
Without mincing words, I discovered this talent at a much later time. However, looking back today, I realized that I'd been a writer at heart since birth.

MGC: Who are your favourite Authors?
MOO: My favorite authors are Francine Rivers, Karen Kingsbury, Opeyemi Akintunde-Ojerinde, Eno Sam...amongst a host of other christian storytellers.

MGC: Do you have published work(s)/ articles? ( Where can they be found?)
MOO: Yes. I recently published my first book, CHRONICLES OF A PROUD BROKEASS which would be launched by God's grace next month, that is, 2nd of May 2020.
At the moment, the book is only open for pre-orders but will be up for sale on Amazon and Okadabooks after the book launch.

MGC: What is the most fascinating thing about Writing?
MOO: Oh my gosh! No bragging please, every writer is truly blessed! It's just so amazing to see the wonders of the ink. I love it when people read and their lives get completely changed; for the best. How can I even describe the feeling I get when the impossible seems too little not to be conquered just from a firing of a good book?
No, I'm not just fascinated about writing, I'm awed beyond bounds to how beautifully a good write-up can change lives; that is simply heavenly!

MGC: Do you have writing Mentors?
MOO: Oh yes I do, a handful of them, I must confess. My main team oftentime prefer to remain low-key and for this, I won't mention names. However, I just want to use this medium to specially appreciate their tireless efforts of love on me which had all contributed to what I am today.

MGC: Is there anything you think the Writing Industry can do to get better?
MOO: Oh yes, I have a few thoughts. Firstly, I'd want to see more writers that are sincerely practicing what they preach in their books. I have seen that we have a lot of good writers but sadly, only a few writers faithfully practice what they write on.
A simple illustration is making a rule for all while one revels in breaking the same rule made for others. If there's a general saying that great readers are good leaders, then I can confidently say that the writers of those books are ruling leaders already. On this note, I'll like to implore writers to serve effectively as good leaders too so that the solutions prescribed to make the World a better place would be much effective.

MGC: What is your fashion sense, on a scale of 1-10 ?
MOO: Smiles. No no no, don't talk about my fashion sense yet. To be honest with you, I'm still learning the basics of dressing well always. I'll give myself a 5 with the hope of improving each passing day.

MGC: Do you have a specific time for writing?
MOO: No. I write anytime and everywhere, even in the toilet (lol). Once my phone is handy and there is an inspiration to make up notes, I write; anytime, anyway.

MGC: What sort/ genre of books do you read?
MOO: My major love goes to any Christian fiction, then comes others. However, I do not read eros for very personal reasons.

MGC: If you were to go on a date with an Author or Writer, who would that be and why?
MOO: Urrrrrmmmm. Sadly, I have women on my wish list right now but I'll make a rough check. Well, well.. I'll like to go out with the major author of Kendrick Brother movies and Tyler Perry.
I'll like to have a good glimpse into what inspires them to write such great movies that looks so real too. I'd love to rub minds with those two and have a deep picture of their kind of world.

MGC: Do you think Writers should depend on the profits of their writing alone?( What's your opinion on Writer's having a side hustle?)
MOO: Just like in every other business, it's not wise to depend on a source of income, writing inclusive. It's okay to have a side hustle. This means you just got for yourself another stream of earning. Personally, I bake and offer catering services on request and I'm looking forward to monetizing other skills I have in due time too.
MGC: If you were to go on a vacation, what will be the five things you take along as a Writer?
MOO: Being a vacation, I'm not expected to write, right? Well no, I'll still go with my writing pads, phone,  a camera, music player and sets of different monopoly games (ludo, scrabble and chess).

MGC: Drop your social media handles so your readers can get in touch with you.
MOO: Facebook: Olalere Opemipo Mary
Twitter: @Mary_Opemipo2
LinkedIn: Mary Opemipo


  1. Nice one..how do u want to launch your book?..online or an event hall

    1. Thank you!
      The book launch will be done online, this Saturday. Please follow me on Facebook to get more information on the book launch. Thank you.

    2. Thank you!
      The book launch will be done online, this Saturday. Please follow me on Facebook to get more information on the book launch. Thank you.

    3. Thank you!
      The book launch will be done online, this Saturday. Please follow me on Facebook to get more information on the book launch. Thank you.

  2. This is great,thank you for sharing ma.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What were inspiration to writing books and will you be happy being a mentor to me.

    1. Hello,
      Please send message to my mail: maryopemipo2@gmail.com
      Let's discuss there. Thank you!


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