Affiong Ene-Obong on Writers Focus.

Affiong Ene-Obong is a Lawyer, screenwriter and Author. In this interview she shares her views on Writing and what can be done to improve the industry. ( Interview by Francisca Ogechi Okwulehie)

FOO: Tell us about yourself.( Name, Schools attended, Family etc)
AEO: Affiong Ene-Obong is a lawyer, author and poet. She's also a certified screenwriter and essayist.  She has a Law degree from Babcock University and B.L from The Nigerian Law School Abuja. She's a member of FIDA. She's passionate about women and children, particularly those with special needs. She strives to help people build their confidence and pursue their dreams.

FOO: How did you get into Writing?
AEO: Writing begun at a tender age. My teachers commended me for my excellent writing skills. I expressed myself better through writing and books were my favorite companion.

FOO: Who are your favourite Authors?
AEO: Maya Angelou, Danielle Steel, John Grisham, Stephen King, Michelle Obama, Nelson Mandella, Omilola Oshikoya...numerous to mention.

FOO: Do you have published work(s)/ articles? ( Where can they be found?)
AEO: Yes, I have published works. They are available in bookstores and online.

FOO: What is the most fascinating thing about Writing?
AEO: Writing is innate, innovative and therapeutic

FOO: Do you have writing Mentors?
AEO: Tolu Akinyemi (poetolu) Seye Kuyinu, Tunde Leye, Titi Horsfall.

FOO:  Is there anything you think the Writing Industry can do to get better?
AEO: Encourage, support and promote authors in publishing. Once this is achieved, authors would share their stories with ease. Silence has become too loud in the world, we can make the world better by sharing our stories, living, loving and learning from others.

FOO: What is your fashion sense, on a scale of 1-10 ?
AEO: I would say 10.

FOO: Do you have a specific time for writing?
AEO: I don't have a specific time for writing. I could write at dawn, noon, dusk or at the wee hours of the morning. For me, time management is key

FOO: What sort/ genre of books do you read?
AEO: Fiction, non-fiction, self-help, sci-fi

FOO:  If you were to go on a date with an Author or Writer, who would that be and why?
AEO: Tolu Akinyemi (Poetolu). He's an amazing writer with an exceptional talent. His works are witty and hilarious.

FOO: Do you think Writers should depend on the profits of their writing alone?( What's your opinion on Writer's having a side hustle?)
AEO: Writers should have multiple streams of income. We can’t generate profit from only writing but with diverse streams of income, we can live well and improve on our writing skills.

FOO: If you were to go on a vacation, what will be the five things you take along as a Writer?
AEO: I would go along with the following;
Writing pad

FOO: Drop your social media handles so your readers can get in touch with you.
AEO: Facebook  Affiong Ene-Obong
Instagram handle @affiong_eneobong
Twitter @Affiong_E

Thanks for your time.


  1. Amazing read! Affiong is a great writer! I love the passion she brings to bear in her work


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